Join the discussion 28 Comments

  • david salt says:

    Good video but how about a tour of work shop? It would be interesting to see the place.


  • Nick DelleDonne says:

    Enjoyed the video. Looks like a great area!


  • We have emailed in the past. I was a boatbuilder but am now retired due to health and age reasons. I just wanted you to know that I enjoyed the blog, chat, one-sided conversation whatever……. I am a 4th generation San Franciscan so “seeing” boats AND snow in the same video was interesting. Glad I live on the West Coast!!!. Always enjoy your productions and I look forward to future videos… Later, Bruce

  • wally smith says:

    Nice ride, I did enjoy the visits along the way. I look forward to more of the personal stuff. I am just starting my journey with my boats. I have a few.
    Thanks for the BWT.

  • Pat Tompkins says:

    I didn’t think I would enjoy your “day in the life of” video because I’m not really a facebook or social media type, but after watching the first couple of minutes, I became interested in where you were. I looked on google earth to find Madeline Island and Bayfield. I’ve always loved the feel of smaller towns as I have lived and worked in the Dallas area for most of my life. I’ll have to run up through north WI and take a look, beautiful place, and enjoyed your video for the scenery. I enjoy all your videos on boat repair, keep up the good work…pt

  • Russ Murphy says:

    Enjoyed the tour of Bayfield. On bucket list to take the Irish Wake from Pentwater, MI winter up there, and come back the next year. Probably 500+ miles for that trip.
    Great tour and the islands look like fun. Are there marinas out there or do you use a dingy?
    Keep up the good work.

  • David Schroeder says:

    Greatly enjoyed this video and getting to see the area in which you work. I have chartered several different boats from Superior Charters over the years. Love Bayfield and The Apostle Islands–just do not fall overboard! Live in Nebraska, so I do not get to Bayfield as often as I would like. Thanks for the videos!

  • Ernst says:

    Hi Andy! It’s very nice to see a day in your life. Funny to hear about your seasonal schedule. Here in Florida it goes on all year round….

  • ken says:

    Nice to see the world around Boat Works Today .Even got to see the outside of your shop.I like the fact that I could go to the places you where at and see them from Google Sat. Map

  • Allen Sooter says:

    Hi Andy,

    Sitting here drinking my morning coffee at the office desk watching this video, I had mixed feelings about it. Then closer to the end I came to a very good feeling about it. Here is a guy that has litteraly opened up his private life to a bunch of no face names on the web, looking for another avenue to intertain and inform them. For that I salute you!!
    I have been in the automotive fuel and electric business for over 35 years in this small town of 8000 people and I don’t give a lot of them my last name, unless they request it, so with you opening up with this may be a good thing.
    As far as the insurance co. good luck, they are about the laziest basterds I have ever had go deal with. Pay your money now before the deadline, and hope they do there part. ARRRRGH!!
    Carry on son, your doing a fine job!!

  • Ron Jones says:

    I like all of your videos. I bought a 1984 Chris Craft and have taken on the task of replacing the transom. I am really enjoying myself. Your videos are great inspiration. I think my next project will be to build a custom cooler/ tackle center out of glass and wood under the leaning post after I have completed the repairs and installation of the electronics.

    Thanks again and keep em coming.

    Also I will support your vids just as soon as I figure out how.

  • Bill says:

    What is there not to like? If it wasn’t for you, I’d be learning gelcoat by myself too!

    Keep it up, get the insurance, start recording. Will be waiting.

    Thanks, Bill

  • Steve Hubner says:

    Hi Andy it looks like a great place would like to visit there one day.

    Steve Hubner

  • Mark Aertker says:


    You kindly answered a rotten core repair question for me one time. I am redoing non mechanical parts of our Hatteras 42′ LRC (hull #1 of the 42′ series actually). Making here weatherproof and waterproof. Redoing windows, deck coring, bow pulpit….you know the drill. Redoing and sealing all the places water gets into a 39 year old boat. If these videos help you grow your business, please keep adding them. I think there are a lot of boat restoring nuts out there who enjoy them. I work on my boat when I can, which means whenever I have some vacation time and spare money, I fly up to Florida from Lima Peru (where I live and work in the oil & gas business) and work on the boat…..sanding, grinding, epoxy sealing, etc, etc, etc,….People think I’m crazy and it is a lot of boat to work on solo but I really enjoy it actually and I’ve referred to your website a resource quite often. Going again this Friday to finish installing my re-worked window$ and finish fairing the foredeck which I made a royal uneven mess of when I replaced the foredeck core in three different campaigns. Perseverence.
    Anyhow, just thought i’d leave a comment. Keep up the good work.

    Mark Aertker

    • ~Andy says:

      Hi Mark!

      This sounds like quite the project you’re working on :-O!! Myself, I would love to see some pics and I know there are a others that would really enjoy seeing what you’re doing!! If you have the chance please feel free to post some pics on my Facebook page!!

      Thank you for commenting!!!!


  • Bob says:

    Wanted to send you some money thru PayPal without creating a monthly setup. From what I saw on your sigh up web site that could not be done. If this is true, this might be a change you can make in the future.

    • ~Andy says:

      Hi Bob!

      There is the option to do a one-time contribution through paypal. Just scroll to the bottom of the ‘Help Support This Show’ menu and click on the ‘Donate’ button.. During the process you should see an option for setting it as a one time contribution or re-occurring.

      There is a 2nd option for supporting BWT through Patreon but I don’t think that’s what you’re asking about 🙂 Either way I am VERY grateful for any support you are willing to offer!! Every bit means a lot and I truly appreciate it!!!!

      Thank you!

  • Amir says:

    Andy, I really enjoy your repair videos. I would like to know where in Wisconsin you have your workshop? I live in Chicago and need some repair done on my boat. Over here in Chicago it is very hard to find an honest repair shop.

    Best regards


  • Jac Mat says:

    Seing you Bayfielf was very interesting. Your story about the gelcoat Guy was fun. You know that you are a pro worker plus a good teacher, and plus again you film and and doing sound in a pretty good way, Exception, in your truck, the cam guy has to drive, but you know there is always a first time.

    Merci pour tout.

    Jac Mat.

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