Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • stephen says:

    going kind of fast!!

    • ~Andy says:

      What do you mean? That’s how I work 😉 Alright, truthfully I didn’t want to spend a bunch of video time showing what would end up being redundant info 🙂 You gotta admit though, it was more interesting than watching 2 hours of video at regular speed!!!

  • Sam says:

    I am still waiting on getting some info on fairing the surface and gel coat. I am about ready to dive in on my own Boat project. 1977 Arrow Glass Lark Tri Hull.

    • ~Andy says:

      Hey Sam,

      If you haven’t done so please check out my Facebook page.. It explains a little bit of what’s going on with the lag in video’s recently 🙂 The short story is that my wife and I are expecting baby #2 any time now and she’s on bed rest (which means I am taking up a lot more of the household duties)..

      Here’s the link to the page. Also, please give some thought to ‘Liking’ the page 🙂

      Thanks for your patience!


  • tommy says:

    saw videos this morning on youtube. nice work. been looking for this kind of info. have an 89 wellcraft v20 i/o i would like to do some repairs on.

  • I saw you make a fiberglass panel. Could you tell me how you started? What did you make the panel on? Was this just normal plastic, and it just comes right off..
    I did not see you spray anything before starting. and it looked like 3 or 4 layers of 1708 maybe…i have alot to do inside my boat, to get rid of alot of rotten plywood..
    i think that if you own a boat.. you should have boatworks today, in your hip pocket.
    probably as important as the boat itself…
    your videos on boats are great..

    1986 bayliner 1900 cg capri 19 foot

    • ~Andy says:

      Thank you for the kind words 🙂 I ended up laying all the glass down on a heavy piece of plastic (actually shrink wrap film). Resins don’t like plastic so it makes for a good release film.. Some plastics will wrinkle from the resin, but there’s a material actually called release film that’s used for vacuum bagging that would have been ideal! A number of composite retailers will carry this.

  • martyn brindle says:

    Watched your videos last 2 years when bought back my boat.. 1989 bayliner ciera. Dad bought it new.. I bought it in 2002 and used it till 2005 (2nd child born) then sold it back to him. Long story but I bought it back in 2014 from sister and done a lot repairs to it thanks to your videos. Very good stuff.. Wanted to let you know.. Up here on Georgian Bay (Ontario Canada) best freshwater boating in the world.. Look at your videos a lot.. Thanks

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